Week 3

Bioluminescent FX Test

Tree Energy FX

For the tree part of the bioluminescent effect, my first thought is to make it like some vines but glowing inside of the trees. 

In the first version test, I used volume trails to build up the vine shape and add a pop network to follow its growing path. The volume trail is generated by curves.

Version 1 is the pictures below, they have more noise and rotations in shape. 

Version 2 is the video on top, I change the shape to be more straight to fit with pine trees.

I think right now it still looks too CG, next step I will try to add dynamic movements to it. 

螢幕截圖 2022-04-11 下午1.56.36
螢幕截圖 2022-04-11 下午1.56.22

Day For Night Comp Test

Live - Shooting

We went to the Skidaway Park on 9 Apr 2022, and shot our plates. We stay there from daytime to nighttime, and try to get everything we need.

We got the clean plates for daylight, sunset, night, and HDR.

We also try to use an LED panel and some little blue lights to get lighting plates for the particles interactive with our forest.