Week 10

Final Video

This is the final week of making progress with team EVA. We all worked very hard to get the best result.

I really enjoy working with my teammates, they all always be there with me. Every time someone shares their work for opinions, there would be a lot responding in the chat. I like how team EVA supports each other, improves, and learns from each other.

I was working on final refine my shots. I added sparks in shot1. And I added spark’s reflection on the CG and the glowing lines effect on her neck for shot2. I also worked on sound design and final color grading for the whole sequence.

From character and story build-up, to filming, to doing VFX, now, we have our final result for the last 10 weeks.

Comp Shot 2

This week for my shots, I have add a new element in, which is add a glow effects on her neck lines in shot 2. I did that to match the same effects that we have in shot 3 and shot 4. Here is the breakdown for the glowing effects.

VFX Breakdown

Here I would like to show my VFX breakdown video for the parts that I am responsible for.

I was doing the compositing for shot1 and shot2.

Besides that, I was in charge of color grading for all shots at the end of our workflow.